ReDesign of software development life cycle with Redmine

There is a need to take measures against SI and support business expansion of my department. *1 *2
I Planned to redesign of software development life cycle with Redmine. *3


  1. Software Architecture (3-Layered Model)
    1. Bender package
    2. Common programs for group companies
    3. Each Customer's custom programs
  2. Development Environment *4
    1. One software repository
    2. One BTS(Bug Tracking System)
  3. Management, Communication Tool
    1. Excel (WBS, QA List and so on)
    2. Mail (QA, request to somebody and so on)
    3. Each member's favorite ToDo system (Post-it, remember the milk *5 and so on)


  1. Many ToDo Lists!
  2. Non-identical Business workflow!

Concepts of New Software development life cycle

  1. No ticket, No work *6
    1. INPUT: ticket
    2. PROCESS: work
    3. OUTPUT: source code, document, and so on.
  2. Mieruka *7
    1. PAST: what was done? who did it? why? how?
    2. FUTURE: what to do?
    3. NOW: who is assigned? (visualize business workflow) who is too busy? who can help?
  3. Simple and Less is More *8
    1. Project Managers get progress information quickly & easily.
    2. Project Managers get more time, energy, ideas for driving projects.

Implementation with Redmine

  1. Ticket model
  2. Ticket workflow
    1. ToDo
    2. QA
    3. Bug
    4. Change
    5. Incident
    6. Relase
    7. RFC
  3. Project Tree Model


*1: 有難いことにお仕事(SIとその後の保守サービス)が増えています

*2: 限られたメンバーで切り盛りしていくためには、現行の業務プロセスとそれを支えるツールの見直しが急務です

*3: webベースのプロジェクト管理ソフトウェア

*4: Trac + Subversion


*6: チケット駆動開発(ticket-driven development)の合言葉No ticket, No Commit. から。管理する意味がある作業指示は全てチケット化したいです。

*7: 見える化

*8: 情報収集は機械に任せ、PMさんがプロジェクト推進に注力できるようにしたいです