
AND/OR Search

This is new feature of slim3 (framework for GAE/J) Version 1.0.16. http://code.google.com/p/slim3/issues/detail?id=113This is my sample. CompositeCriterion keywordFilter = new CompositeCriterion(ITEM_META, CompositeFilterOperator.OR, new C…

They empowers me. I will empower him and you!

個人事業主の友達からバックオフィス業務をITで効率化したいと相談されたのが去年の12月。 それじゃーちょっとやってみようということで、朝カフェとか帰りの電車の中で作ってみました。 Special thanks to Google / GAE/J Mr. Higa / Slim3 iText 今回作っ…

BitNami Redmine Stack に TestLink を追加

環境 Windows Server 2008 SP2 (64bit) BitNami Redmine Stack 1.3.0 今回追加したもの PHP 5.3.10 (VC9 x86 Thread Safe) ※Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime が別途必要です TestLink 1.7.5 + TestLinkCnvMacro v571 手順概略 PHPインストール (含む httpd.conf …

Goodbye Trac, Hello Redmine!

TracLightning3.1.1 から Redmine 1.3.0 へ引っ越した時のメモです。 Redmineを使いたいけど、今までのTracのデータがあるしなぁ、というかたの参考になれば幸いです。年度末のサービスインを控えた、忙しいこの時期に何でこんなことをやったのか? の理由は…

Project Tree Model

'Redmine project' tree model of this project has some characteristics. Like belows; 1st Layer: Root project Defines Target versions 2nd Layer: Development project Standard development project. Bug, Change Tracking Development team member's…

Ticket workflow - RFC

'RFC' Ticket's specification sheet is bvelow; Status new *1 assigned *2 unapproved *3 approved *4 rejected *5 construction *6 resolved *7 closed *8 Role Leader Developer Reporter footnote *1: 新規 *2: 担当中 *3: 承認前 *4: 承認済み *5: 却…

Ticket workflow - Release

'Release' Ticket's specification sheet is bvelow; Status new *1 assigned *2 resolved *3 testing *4 verified *5 closed *6 Role Leader Release Engineer Developer footnote *1: 新規 *2: 担当中 *3: 解決 *4: 検証中 *5: 検証完了 *6: 終了

Ticket workflow - Incident

'Incident' Ticket's specification sheet is bvelow; Status new *1 assigned *2 resolved *3 closed *4 Role Leader Developer footnote *1: 新規 *2: 担当中 *3: 解決 *4: 終了

Ticket workflow - Change

'Change' Ticket's specification sheet is bvelow; Status new *1 assigned *2 resolved *3 closed *4 Role Leader Developer Sub Ttasking Leader create this ticket's children(break down!). Each child ticket is assigned to each develop member. fo…

Ticket workflow - Bug

'Bug' Ticket's specification sheet is bvelow; Status new *1 assigned *2 resolved *3 testing *4 feedback *5 verified *6 rejected *7 closed *8 Role Leader Developer Reporter footnote *1: 新規 *2: 担当中 *3: 解決 *4: 検証中 *5: フィードバック…

Ticket workflow - QA

'QA' Ticket's specification sheet is bvelow; Status new *1 assigned *2 answered *3 resolved *4 closed *5 Role Leader Reporter !Qquestionee footnote *1: 新規 *2: 問い合わせ中 *3: 回答済み *4: 解決 *5: 終了

Ticket workflow - ToDo

'ToDo' Ticket's specification sheet is bvelow; Status new *1 assigned *2 resolved *3 closed *4 Role Leader Developer footnote *1: 新規 *2: 担当中 *3: 解決 *4: 終了

Ticket model (Redmine tracker model)

My Ticket model (Redmine tracker model) characteristics are like below; Implementing the ITIL*1 framework 7 types ticket Common QA ToDo For Service Desk Incident RFC *2 For Release Management Release For Developer Team Bug Change Escalatio…

ReDesign of software development life cycle with Redmine

There is a need to take measures against SI and support business expansion of my department. *1 *2 I Planned to redesign of software development life cycle with Redmine. *3 Context Software Architecture (3-Layered Model) Bender package Com…